Developing cognitive skills through Industry 4.0 key technologies together with increasing confidence in solving complex problems
12 months of project activities
Lego Mindstorms, mBot, Arduino and KUKA Lego training
Soft and interpersonal skills
Hands-on experimental training
Curriculum tailored to the target group
Anticipated Results
Strengthened soft and interpersonal skills for project participants
Developed practical skills for Lego Mindstorms, mBot Ranger, Arduino and KUKA Lego robots
Project Objectives
Two target groups: 8-10 years old, 11-14 years old
Assessment of skills and development of specific soft skills of target group based on career preference
Developed practical skills of target group through robotics and programming workshops
Support further development of practical skills of both younger and older participants
The goal of the project “Developing cognitive skills through Industry 4.0 key technologies together with increasing confidence in solving complex problems” is focused on supporting and encouraging soft and technical skills for 40 protégés of the Home for Children without Parental Care Tuzla and Center for Social Work Tuzla, and the SOS Children’s Village Gračanica.
These skills are classified today as highly needed skills and by providing children with them, their confidence level increases as they become part of a small group that can serve fields such as robot programming or machine maintenance. This can eventually lead to children choosing to pursue their education in college and create a better living environment for themselves.
The project consisted of four phases:
- Cooperation establishment
- Robotics training and mindset development
- Developing soft and emotional skills and Children’s Day
- Project roadmap and sustainability

FITT has come to its establishment as a result of socio-economic and political needs in Tuzla and Tuzla Canton. In struggle to reconcile political demands and economic ones, FITT has developed several programs and is currently implementing projects with young people and students to raise awareness on the importance of their participation in decision making processes on local, regional and national level, not excluding wider level, which aim at creating possibilities for young people to take part in social and technological innovation that Industry 4.0 is bringing with. To bridge the gap between practice and theory, all important activities are implemented in the Center for Robotics which is the first center of this kind in the region of Western Balkans.