Masterwerk GmbH strives to donate funds to the Foundation for Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Transfer – FITT, headquartered in Tuzla, for the education of students and unemployed in the field of providing KUKA and ABB services robots, increasing their competitiveness on the labor market, and increasing their ability to find adequate employment.
In addition, the aim is to connect students from different cities of BiH. Networking will enable the creation of innovative ideas that can greatly improve the BiH economy. Networking will enable the creation of innovative ideas that can greatly enhance the BiH economy.
The selection of candidates will be made based on the current average of the votes. Candidates will need to enclose a certificate verified by the faculty attending. The choice will also influence the number of independently-executed projects within formal or informal education related to automation and robotization. Additional willingness will be created by those who have recommendations from people who have supervised their work over the projects or have exercised control of the project. It is important for candidates to be ready to learn languages and to travel. A very important role, when selecting, will have the Soft Skills of the candidates. The project partner is DKR German center for Robotics
The application form will be public and will be completed by all students socially vulnerable and unemployed young people. The form will be posted on the website and on social networks.