
Završen projekat obuke „CNC Operaterke“

Završen projekat obuke „CNC Operaterke“

U utorak, 30. novembra 2021. godine, u prostorijama Fondacije ITT upriličena je dodjela certifikata učesnicama projekta „CNC Operaterke“, koje su odslušale i uspješno završile treninge za upravljanje CNC mašinom te radionice motivacije, uspješne komunikacije i usavršavanja vještina neophodnih za pronalazak zaposlenja.

BH Futures Scholars at hands-on KUKA trainings powered by FITT and BHFF

BH Futures Scholars at hands-on KUKA trainings powered by FITT and BHFF

The FITT-Foundation for Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Transfer is always happy to support youth in their professional development and to help them gain knowledge and experience through networking and partnership development with educational and social responsible institutions.